Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Slytherclaw Bites! #3 The ''Science'' of Grumpy I

[Snob time. Make a tea, light your fireplace, turn on your most sophisticated classical music, sit down & relax.] :tea: :iconimanevilguyplz: :iconfeellikeatrollplz:

Stupid people. What is all this about 'depression' - on clinical term? So stupid they think they can cure it with medication!! There's no such thing as 'depression' or 'a faulty wiring chemical imbalance'. Awful backward thinking!! What do they think that made all those 'chemical chaos' in the first place??

Human - btw I'm aware that I still don't sense that there's really other human being and if there's any I'm taking great precautions to defend myself from their threats - is not just about physical machine!! Like some morons got some 'vision' to create a machine/treatment/whatever to trigger a chemical that's responsible for the feeling of 'love'. And - God forbid! - s*x r*bots!! Dreadful!!! THE SHAMELESS DISPLAY OF INSECURITY & DESPERATION NOT TO MENTION UTTER DISRESPECT JUST OMFG UNBELIEVABLE!!! (Those idiots could be my cousins though, the scientific Enneagram 5w6s conspiring with whatever other shallow-minded-already personality types when their brains were on the low.) No I'm not against sex or romantic love, I'm just against too much intellect where it would lead to utmost stupidity!!

Double Facepalm - DP by Sadiee

Mesdames, Mesdemoiselles, Messieurs,
imho when you think you've got depression, it means something much deeper than a brain being in low Seretonin bla-bla-bla that you need to choke down some pills to your throat!

It could mean there's something in your life you need to change. Something about how you're doing things, your habit, your life decisions.
Something about how you think, what you're constantly thinking about.
Disharmony of what you think & what you feel.
Conflict between what you want & what you don't want to do.
War between your real self & your society-adapted self.
Deal with them (as gently as you can).

And there are yellow & red lights (or even more). Not just green.
It could mean you need to stop doing certain things.
Because your body doesn't feel like doing it no more.
Because your subconscious mind wont obey you another second.
And guess what the subconscious mind almost always wins.

Sadness & grief are normal.
Anxiety & fear are normal.
Disappointment & anger are normal.
Feel them, welcome their existence.
Or if you don't want to, accept too that you DON'T want them.
Welcome both acceptance & resistance.

Not the thoughts/contents, just the sensations in the body. Give up to them.
It's not about compromising your power or actions. Or worse justifying how the world's bad treatment on you. NEVER about that.
It's more about accepting your inner waves. The natural flow of energy that's within you.

Drugs wont save you every time.
But self-reflection & acceptance with utmost honesty will. imho, that is.
Although the later would take longer time.
If it's not about emergency I strongly suggest you to stay way-away from those artificial lifeless chemicals.
You want a more concrete solution? Well there IS one: get yourself raw fruits & veggies instead!
Clear your body, clear your mind.
You'll be most likely gaining better ideas for what action to take. (Does a good revenge count? Perhaps.. Hmm. Evil plotting in progress. :evillaugh:)

Mais, pass me that chocolate please.
What? Well, the path to clarity does take time.. and dedication, more likely. But there's actually a healthier version of chocolate, the raw one, so there you go.

L: Death Note Dunk by Maru-Light


This relatively wiser essay is not intended for those I hate btw!! For them, go depress yourself away, mwahahahaaa..!!

-may be continued-

Original Deviant Art post:
Original date: Sep 14, 2016


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