Wednesday, December 25, 2019

[GROUND ZERO] Instinctive Knowing #1

Either I can think of a thousand reasons of things I CAN'T do using the resources I already have around me, or I can think of another thousand reasons I CAN do with these.

I can either find a million reasons of things I CAN'T do with my set of PERSONALITY, TALENTS, & SKILL LEVEL, complaining about all the flaws, or I can find another million reasons of things I CAN do, taking ADVANTAGE of who I am right now, with all the present condition.

And I can either think of a gazillion reasons of why I am NOT (beautiful, smart, strong, powerful, etc) ENOUGH being the way I am, or I can think of another gazillion reasons why I am ENOUGH in every way just being me: personality, emotional, physical traits, energy, intelligence, talents, skills, etc.

This is not a theory, my friend, despite the think & find it's nothing cognitive. This is instinctive gratitude, a genuine act of self-acceptance.
This is the mirror-kraken's demise!

Kraken by BenWootten

Sorry, we can't go the Black Phantom Wolf way. The Black Wolf can stay but the phantom must go. So sorry.
But I always & will always listen to the Dragon. That's a promise.
Zero compromise. Zero sacrifice.

Original Deviant Art post:
Original date: Sep 13, 2016


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