Wednesday, December 25, 2019


If you're thinking this was easy to paint - WRONG. It took days, more than a week to finish this.. with my level of motivation that is. To get these solid colors I must paint them over and over and over and over.......

Differs a lot from the original idea. The intended starry clouds became cotton candy with sugar sprinkles. [Don't know if I should laugh or cry :cries::slow: :laughing:] And the scanner distorted the color much, even though I've adjusted everything using Photoshop this is as close as I can get to the original work.

Acrylic on paper.

Btw if anyone is willing to think a little further, there's a potentially deeper meaning behind this childlike painting. I CHALLENGE you to write a short Semiotics analysis on this, ARRR! :iconpiratecatplz: Although there might be too much color distortion to interpret more clearly. But there's no prize so if you're interested do it just for fun, okay. ;)

Btw the deviantArt prints version wont include the watermark, just check it out! :)

The brighter, unadjusted version fresh from the scanner is here:

Original Deviant Art post:
Original date: Sep 25, 2016


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