Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Slytherclaw Party! #10

OMG OMG just O M G . . apparently the Universe hasn't fed up with me yet (hopefully will NEVER!), this 'smol time' pirate who always listens to her ego down to the darkest & greediest, this self-righteous Kira-wanna-be, this arrogant self-taught amateur scholar, this nom-it-all treasure hunter..

Because tonight apparently God decided to shower me, like SHOWER ME RAINING CATS AND DOGS with DOUBLOONS of LIFE CHANGING amount via my amazingly-kind-client's bonus!! (Though even at this point I'd still treasure as small as $1 and treat any amount as life changing - another priceless intangible treasure I can't be grateful enough!! Now that I think about it, it's actually the hard times that led me to the discovery of this beyond-priceless diamond turning out attracting all the REAL diamonds but that's for another story.)
A Universe is Born
Just can't thank yuo enough o' ultra generous Universe just just *SPEECHLESS* Im so pray my kind-beyond-reason client and his team all the best and beyond 1,000..X, and I pray that our thriving also means the environment's thriving!!

Because in the right hands $1 can do a lot, with the right thinking a pen can inspire thousands, with the right intention a small action can matter so much.. let alone this level of OPEN SESAMEEEEE..!!! (I mean of course I'm not the only one getting this too, has to be every other of his employees as well!)


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