Sunday, June 9, 2024

Slytherclaw Musings #38

Just have to write this down 'coz this is too inspiring (well, for me)!

This video agrees with my inner challenge-loving pirate (who switches with my inner cozy cat from time to time) who actually LOVES the game of tackling / overcoming things - thus, the fire is significantly back on!! 🔥 🔥 🔥  (Not that I really relate with his personality but I do with his message.)

I think I've been getting perhaps a bit too comfortable lately, more like comfortable in a mess, since I'm still settling down in my new SUPER AMAZING place (so far, maybe I could stay a couple of years before finally getting my ultimate Zen Haus liek one of those millionaires)! So, while I still have some organizing and tidying up to do, I'm also working pretty much every day, not to mention the daily chores too, so very little progress is done. Also I keep shopping for new things for one (both fun and not-so-fun) reason after another, so adding more stuff to unpack (especially gotta looove them new books!!).

Anyway, this is just one of many things in the backburner that now I got to really be motivated again to do when I watched above video. I finally even got to try the new tea brand that's been sitting for weeks in its cardboard box: got myself up and brew it, and enjoying it as I'm writing this lolol!

Now, the real purpose of me creating this post is to keep that fire alive - for myself obviously, but if you get inspired too, good for ya. So here I'll write down the "hard" things / the "impossible list" that I usually almost naturally avoid when my inner pirate indulges herself too much and thus mostly asleep during those times lmao.

Because "hard" means SATISFYING REWARDS.

Because "hard" means EPIC ACCOMPLISHMENTS.

Because "hard" means CHALLENGE means G.A.M.E. YARRRR..!!

Back to CARPE OMNIA..!!


"Ye know what's 'hard'?"

[Actively SEEK & BEAT 'em!!]

- Eat and drink your bitter super-nutritious greens, make it at least 80% of your diet every day!

- Hold down all the shopping (excluding the necessities and emergencies, of course) until you finally reach that bloody $$$$$$ target!

- Learn about various ways of investing and actually do some, and MAKE some $$$$$!

- Actually watch those online courses you bought and take notes!

- Continue tidying up le house and finally built the workstations / studios of your dreams!

- Build a second brain in Obsidian.

- Eat the salads & fruits.

- Dare to take a job beyond your current skills / skill level for once (or twenty times)!

- Continue the daily progressive journaling.

- Compete in (and ENJOY playing) puzzle hunts until you WIN for once (or a hundredth times)..!!

- Learn German and Latin seriously for fun's sake!

- Do quantum jumping to a universe where you don't have ANY sort of health issues / physical sensitivities ('coz why not?).

- Go full Alchemist/Wizard-mode, try to win a lottery, wooohooo..!

- Actually be active in my all various art avatars / project lines and create a sustainable system where everything flow seamlessly.

- Do. the. workouts.

- Do fun daily sketch.

- Join again the "Illustration by Imagination" course by Paintable and do the deliberate practice.

- Get yourself some basic archery equipment and try it out in the nearby archery range at your new neighborhood!

- Do a regular vocal training for fun and record your singing / covers!

etc, etc!

Wow, everything is apparently hard for me these days, haha.. Well, good news that that's just what the Pirate WANTS!

Ain't human psychology + how the Universe works fascinating? 

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Veni, Vidi, Vici #27

Wow.. I'm pretty surprised (and SUPER PLEASED) that I got to WINNN a DA Handwriting Hunt again (via my alt account @BlackCloverCreations)!! Mwaaahahaha.. thanks so muuuch..!

 First Place-Congrats (Animated) by Lacerem 

Fireworks Total Prize: Fireworks

700 Fragments 

 Jolly Roger by SlytherclawPadawan Locked Box - Five Nights at Freddy's 4 - Icon GIF La jumping in Points

 I know it's 'just' DA fragments, but why do I feel like won something 100x of its value?!

Now prepare your coffee, tea, hot cocoa, rum, or whatever your poison is and also a magnifying glass as Detective Clover will show you a little walkthrough. Here we go!  

For the obvious ones, namely, the handwritings belong to @KizukiTamura, @Malintra-Shadowmoon, @Barosus, and @BeckyKidus, it's all common sense, you could easily compare their deviations containing their handwritings to the ones in the game journal. Maybe that's why 400 points was the most common score.

So how did I guess correctly beyond that? For @TokyoMoonlight and @moonbeam13 , I still have their samples from 2020's game answers - yes, there's a similar hunt 3 years ago (and I won that one too, mwahaha..!), that's my (and anybody-who-knows-about-it's) advantage. You can spot the similarities right away, even the ink colors are the same.


- Handwriting Hunt 2023 -

- Handwriting Hunt 2020 -


- Handwriting Hunt 2023 -

- Handwriting Hunt 2020 -

Meanwhile, my other right guess, which is @morbidman187 's handwriting, it's PURE INTUITION which I'm proud of lmao, didn't expect it to be spot on! Wish I were as spot on as this for the rest of the writings. And nope, he's not one of the CVs in the 2020 game, so no previous samples!


Now let's talk about the tricky, elusive ones nobody got right.


I've explored @Queen-Kitty 's gallery and I could barely find a writing sample, except for very few. And those few show only inconsistency all across, so I didn't expect this was hers. Actually, I guessed it's @pinkythepink 's because it kinda matches pinky's 2020's sample, especially the A letter. Come on.. my guess should have been right, shouldn't it?

@pinkythepink, Handwriting Hunt 2020


I thought I had eliminated @pinkythepink, so I guessed this belongs to @AlexanderPaupoff because I thought the small caps A in this particular handwriting looks the closest to their samples. But.. nope!


Just like everybody else, initially I guessed this one as @morbidman187 's for the "morbid" look, but I sensed it's just too obvious, so I switched to @Queen-Kitty because she likes to write texts with inky media - and still wrong. But even if I compare this one with @phoenixleo 's 2020's writing, still doesn't make sense to me.. he's such a shapeshifter lol.

@phoenixleo, Handwriting Hunt 2020

Talking about being a shapeshifter, I think I better give that award to @AlexanderPaupoff, because judging from the samples in their gallery, the handwriting below is just so DIFFERENT from those and already very CONSISTENT in its character. So I didn't guess it's theirs, coz if it was, it would be like CHANGING PERSONALITIES! Not an impossibility, but by the balance of probability, it just doesn't happen to most people. Unless.. I wonder if I'm right, let me know in the comment if you're really that flexible or adaptable.. meaning you may be good at social engineering with the potential talent of being a conman/conwoman, a spy, a double agent, or at least a master forger. [Please don't take it seriously, I'm no expert, no idea what I'm talking about!  ]


@AlexanderPaupoff, a handwriting sample

There you go, folks. Detective Clover hath spoken, may you all get enlightened by my grey cells (logic) and purple cells (intuition) lmao!  

Amidst all the chaos created by AI (no, more like, by GREEDY HUMANS who is using AI not exactly for the common good) including in this DA platform, I'm still thankful for fun events like this thanks to the CVs. By the way, how curious that the scores were distributed in only a few numbers: 700, 400, 200, 100.. why does this remind me of radio frequencies? 

Anyway, Detective Clover / Slytherclaw Padawan is always ready to pounce on the next treasure hunts you'll be creating! Because even though I've discovered the wonderful, amazing world of puzzle hunts out there where the puzzles are LEGIT PUZZLING, pushing your grey & purple cells to the MAX, I still can't win a single one yet, as they're often designed 99% for teams instead of individual solvers. The tasks are often laborious, not only logically & intuitively tricky, that you'd get exhausted quick by playing solo. So I still love these easy hunts coz it's good for my personal morale, yeaahh! 

Thanks so much again for the game and the prize, looking forward to the next fun events (ehm.. another Halloween Hunt please, please, pleeeeeeez..!!). 

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Slytherclaw Party! #14

I believe I was just settling down, coming home from the fireworks party out of town, when I got a notification from the DA app. "Seniority Announcement..."- what? Oh my, totally didn't expect I'd be on that list and get that curious, EXCLUSIVE badge!!


Thank you, thank you!  Feels like winning a contest I NEVER joined, ahaha..!!  

A mark? Maybe a little, since I was Jackie of all Contests lol, though nowadays I have virtually no time for them to focus on both client and personal MULTIPLE projects. Notable traits? I guess, though aside from the sunshine there are also underwater volcanoes.

I do have been and am passionate about fun events, especially the HUNTS. But when you mention me bringing a positive attitude, awww.. Ima sooo flattered..! 

To whoever suggested my name + decided that I'm worthy, I'm grateful that they're focusing on my bright side vs the fiery, angry, judgmental one, thank you! Because seriously, I won't compromise myself for any trophy, so let's hope you wont regret yuor decision, heheh..

By the way, I checked the profile of the other current awardees for curiosity's sake, and found that all of them have been in DA for more than a decade even almost two, wow! While it's only been 5,5 years since I joined, so I'm the 'youngest' one, at least in this round. Feeling oh-so-special lmao, I mean look at this list below!

Apofiss - 17 years (respect!)

Kandy-Cube - 12 years

SlytherclawPadawan [c'est moi] - 6 years (about 5 years and a few months)

Isi-Daddy - 15 years

RHADS - 15 years

QuixoticApricot - 14 years

What a lovely surprise to start a year, it's awesome to be among those who are very likely waaay more deserving to be awarded, thank you! But it turned out to be a REALLY nice surprise when a DA admin / real senior officially noted me about the detailed advantages of getting in the club. Apparently, the badge isn't just a nice accessory to your avatar, but is also including all the CORE. PLUS. features (not just basic Core) all PERMANENTLY a.k.a. FOREVER for FRRREEEEE oh lawd dis pirate loves les TRESSSORRRSSS..!! 

That explains why I can keep the background in my profile skin and the whole customization options. And later when I checked, my storage has been increased to 50 GB! That means I've cheated the system coz for some undisclosed reason I haven't been able to buy Core for a long time mwaaaaahahahahahahaa..... AAAOOHH MAAII GADDD this is like being gifted a cheat code to the GAME of LIFE itseeellfff..!!


Now, feels like winning a LOTTERY, aaahahahahaaaa.. I winnn!


On storage, up to this point I've only used up very little of it, 49.8 GB is still available! How I'd looove to use it to write my expressive journals like the old days (storing all the pics and emotes) but that's the problem - with Eclipse in place now, it just can't be as expressive anymore, and the organizational functions are just terrible. Maybe that's because they intend to focus more on the visual art vs the other features. In that case, I guess I don't think the huge capacity is going to be very useful soon unless I can find other ways to take advantage of it. 

Let's see what other golds are available in Core+.

Looks like another thing I can definitely use is the sub-gallery feature for my MANY, SCATTERED art, haha.. Though there are many more important backlogs than this account's gallery organization I need to prioritize.

And definitely would love to go crazy again with profile skin when I have the time!

Now, to conclude, thanks so much for your appreciation, dear Deviant Art! 'Dis smol time pirate cat artist iconoclast philosopher feels honored to be noticed by the dignitaries of what could be the oldest (a.k.a. most SENIOR) online art community in the world!! Thanks for not letting my occasional hot temper and my relatively short time here get in the way of awarding the club!

And of course, thanks so much to the fellow DA members who have been supporting each other beyond borders. Thanks so much specifically to the ones personally supporting me with their non-judgmental kindness - I know I don't have such a big heart like you all!

May the force be with ye all, and happy New Year once again!