Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Slytherclaw Party! #9

So I got a pretty surprising notification a few days ago: I got awarded as one of "Angels without Wings" of DA omg! :XD:

September 2021 Angels Without Wings by @angels-and-gangstas / @wdwparksgal 

Angels Without Wings September 2021 by @rtnightmare

September AWWs and August AWW Roundup by @thestockwarehouse

Needless to say thanks so much for them decided to give me this honor, I appreciate that you apparently see me as someone kind AND stand out enough to be given this title I know I'm barely deserving.

If anything I'm more like a FALLEN or AVENGING angel, haha..


Seriously I know how totally NOT selfless I could be!

So thank you for them more angel-like people who give out the award generously - thanks to @rtnightmare who actually SUGGESTED me, @malintra-shadowmoon who consistently promoting various  users across  DA including me, & @angels-and-gangstas team who decided to say yes!

"While this user has been on and off for a bit, they are truly helpful when it comes to DA events and various features. They are an excellent promoter of all things DeviantArt and I enjoy reading their analysis of activities. I hope they become more active soon. When they are active, they shine."


I wont stop being a pirate cat and all, but I'll also treasure this, hehe.. I don't think I'll put the award on my page 'coz again as naughty looter I don't deserve it, but I'll show it here!

May the force be with ye all!

--Slytherclaw (the Grey) Jedi


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