Thursday, September 9, 2021

Illustration from Imagination 2021 - Moodboard


So I finally decided to jump in the course I already bought 2 years ago this time, "Illustration from Imagination" by Paintable.

At this point it's still in early stage, we're just creating our moodboards and thumbnails by September 11. For now I only got to finish the moodboard, so here it is!


The course is project-based, we're "being hired by a client who asks for an illustration" with certain briefs. There are many choices, all based on public domain stories like "Alice in Wonderland", "Sherlock Holmes - The Hounds of Baskerville", "Dracula", etc.

Despite there are some briefs I already like, I decided to create one for myself: it's generally my made up Sherlock story combined with a pirate legend where he's investigating a series of murders related to buried treasures of Sir Francis Drake ("drake" = "dragon", hence the dragon references in the moodboard). But please have mercy on me coz I haven't really did the deep research yet!

This idea somehow just came to me when I first joined IFI in 2019, and the idea just sticks, wont let me move on until I make it real, haha..

The setting should be Sherlock's era a la Guy Ritchie's movies. Don't think would involve fantasy element, but I'd still love to see various colors in the illustration. Particularly I always admire the concept art of Dishonored game, so I included them too as my inspiration.

So here we go.. hope I can really spare my time this time and follow through the course!


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