Sunday, June 9, 2024

Slytherclaw Musings #38

Just have to write this down 'coz this is too inspiring (well, for me)!

This video agrees with my inner challenge-loving pirate (who switches with my inner cozy cat from time to time) who actually LOVES the game of tackling / overcoming things - thus, the fire is significantly back on!! 🔥 🔥 🔥  (Not that I really relate with his personality but I do with his message.)

I think I've been getting perhaps a bit too comfortable lately, more like comfortable in a mess, since I'm still settling down in my new SUPER AMAZING place (so far, maybe I could stay a couple of years before finally getting my ultimate Zen Haus liek one of those millionaires)! So, while I still have some organizing and tidying up to do, I'm also working pretty much every day, not to mention the daily chores too, so very little progress is done. Also I keep shopping for new things for one (both fun and not-so-fun) reason after another, so adding more stuff to unpack (especially gotta looove them new books!!).

Anyway, this is just one of many things in the backburner that now I got to really be motivated again to do when I watched above video. I finally even got to try the new tea brand that's been sitting for weeks in its cardboard box: got myself up and brew it, and enjoying it as I'm writing this lolol!

Now, the real purpose of me creating this post is to keep that fire alive - for myself obviously, but if you get inspired too, good for ya. So here I'll write down the "hard" things / the "impossible list" that I usually almost naturally avoid when my inner pirate indulges herself too much and thus mostly asleep during those times lmao.

Because "hard" means SATISFYING REWARDS.

Because "hard" means EPIC ACCOMPLISHMENTS.

Because "hard" means CHALLENGE means G.A.M.E. YARRRR..!!

Back to CARPE OMNIA..!!


"Ye know what's 'hard'?"

[Actively SEEK & BEAT 'em!!]

- Eat and drink your bitter super-nutritious greens, make it at least 80% of your diet every day!

- Hold down all the shopping (excluding the necessities and emergencies, of course) until you finally reach that bloody $$$$$$ target!

- Learn about various ways of investing and actually do some, and MAKE some $$$$$!

- Actually watch those online courses you bought and take notes!

- Continue tidying up le house and finally built the workstations / studios of your dreams!

- Build a second brain in Obsidian.

- Eat the salads & fruits.

- Dare to take a job beyond your current skills / skill level for once (or twenty times)!

- Continue the daily progressive journaling.

- Compete in (and ENJOY playing) puzzle hunts until you WIN for once (or a hundredth times)..!!

- Learn German and Latin seriously for fun's sake!

- Do quantum jumping to a universe where you don't have ANY sort of health issues / physical sensitivities ('coz why not?).

- Go full Alchemist/Wizard-mode, try to win a lottery, wooohooo..!

- Actually be active in my all various art avatars / project lines and create a sustainable system where everything flow seamlessly.

- Do. the. workouts.

- Do fun daily sketch.

- Join again the "Illustration by Imagination" course by Paintable and do the deliberate practice.

- Get yourself some basic archery equipment and try it out in the nearby archery range at your new neighborhood!

- Do a regular vocal training for fun and record your singing / covers!

etc, etc!

Wow, everything is apparently hard for me these days, haha.. Well, good news that that's just what the Pirate WANTS!

Ain't human psychology + how the Universe works fascinating?